Amplify - Mens Wellness Weekend
Awakening The Sensual Man

26 & 27 th October 2024

333 euros, inclusive of Vegetarian Food

Ghent, Belgium
Teachers: Julian Marcus & Host Miek Dema

Unlock the secrets to deeper presence, energy awareness and positive body-connection. Amplify is an unforgettable retreat experience for men designed to reignite the spark, deepen you connection to you life force, and cultivate energy with a group of like minded brothers.

This retreat is for men who:

Desire to deepen their embodied connection with body-confidence

Want to learn new practices for vitality and mens wellbeing

Are committed to evolving as men

Have a curiosity about Taoist internal alchemy

We will keep the retreat numbers limited to preserve intimacy and depth

On this retreat, you will be supported to:

Deeper Connection: Taoist Cultivation Practices
Dive into new practices for awakening you energy awareness and ability to feel and move energy in your body. Becoming more receptive and sensitive to sensation while building your capacity to receive insight from your body and hold greater levels of awakened energy in your system.

Improve Intimacy: Body Poem
Group and solo ritual for harnessing the integrative power of eros and desire for what you want to bring, let go of and focus on in your life. This radical acceptance practice opens the gateway to positive change and deeper satisfaction. Purpose, passion and clarity are frequently revealed.

Enhance Pleasure: Unleash The Sensual Man
Modern man has largely forgotten how to harness and nourish their sensual self for balance, health and joy. We will support one another to explore what it means to allow and surrender into sensation, play and movment.

Improve Communication: Speaking Truth
Up-level your communication game and deepen your understanding of your erotic mind, core erotic theme and the difference between needs and strategy. We will do practices and sharing to support and transform resistance and shame into group evolutionary gold.
A weekend full of nourishment and growth filled with experiential exercises, guided sessions, opportunities for reflection, and making connections with new friends

Your Facilitator

  • Julian Marcus

    Retreat Leader, Sexologist + Bodywork Educator

    Julian brings a very rich and diverse two decades of professional trainings with a list of top teachers and mentors couples with his own extensive teaching experience integrating traditional Taoist internal sexual-alchemy practices with modern day sexology and western person centred bodywork oriented health science approaches.

    He guides people to find their own path into deeper receptivity with life force as a "feel" focused, re-awakening to true intimacy. It is his highest joy to witness individuals, couples and groups find new ways to dance experientially with an expanded potential to and consciously co-create.

    Julian is now known most for his clarity in sharing, a high capacity and love for meaningful human connection, his radiant warmth of being with all-welcoming facilitation style and distinct ability to co-create a felt-sense of safety for individuals, couples and groups.

How Enrolment Works
Register your interest + video call with Julian
Fill out our initial enrolment form and we will get in contact with you to arrange a one to one video call
Acceptance + Deposit
After we both decide the retreat is a good fit for you both at this time and made agreements about the financial and other terms we ask for a €100 deposit to secure your places
Orientation Webinar
In the run up to the weekend retreat, we will invite you to meet together online

Our Location Details For This Retreat

Your home for the 2 days provides:

  • Beautiful Private Group Retreat Space
  • Delicious Vegetarian Meals Provided

Details & Inclusive Prices for the retreat

Weekend retreat price €275, for the 2 days, full retreat program, and food.

Deposit €100 to be paid on registration to reserve a place. Max 16 Participants

The remaining balance should be paid by September 19th.

Amplify For Men The In-person Retreat retreat brings together years of personal practice and client experience to deliver a weekend rich in depth and beauty.

If you are concerned if this weekend is for you but the topic material may be challenging, you will be happy to know, the workshop does not contain nudity and is suitable for ages and experience levels. You are welcome.

I created the program specifically to promote an opportunity for deepening trust and connection with our own life force energy and ability to drop into our sensual self for increased wellbeing, satisfaction and joy. Through trusting in our capacity for felt sense clarity and wisdom we gain confidence in our body and sensual nature.

Get ready. You are about to embark on a new phase of life and evolution as a Man.

Julian is offering a strong focus at this retreat in erotic embodiment guidance and relational bodywork with a tried and tested mix of eastern and western approaches. His unique blend of somatics, sexology and Taoist sexual alchemy practices help open new levels of energetic, relational and embodied potential. Connect to your life force, resource and love with vitality, curiosity and radical acceptance to transend limiting patterns and drop into the direct route to pleasure, presence and intimacy.

The Practices

My methodology combines elements of Tao practices, Somatic Bodywork, and more, to create a holistic approach to deepening connection and embodiment. Through experiential practices, you'll learn practical tools to enhance pleasure, presence, and intimacy in your relationships.
Book Your Place

Awakening to your vital force, cultivating mens sensual wellbeing.

It's time to embrace a future filled with
love, intimacy, and joy.