Pleasure, Presence, & Intimacy - Relationship Evolution Retreat

18 - 22 nd September 2024

Inclusive of Vegetarian Food & Accommodation

Casa Rural Aloe Vera, Huércal-Overa, Almería, Spain

Teachers: Julian Marcus & Sophia Leslie

Unlock the secrets to deeper connection and intimacy with your partner on an unforgettable retreat experience designed to reignite the spark, deepen connection, and cultivate intimacy in your relationship.

This retreat is for couples who:

Desire to deepen their connection and intimacy

Want to explore pleasure in new ways together

Are committed to evolving their relationship

to new heights of love and passion

We will keep the retreat numbers limited to preserve intimacy and depth

On this retreat, you will be supported to:

Deeper Connection: Rediscover the Spark
Dive into the heart of your relationship and reignite the flame of passion that first brought you together. Through intimate exercises and soulful exploration, you'll deepen your bond with your partner, nurturing the connection that forms the foundation of your love.

Improve Intimacy: Journey into Closeness
Embark on a journey of sacred intimacy as you explore new realms of closeness and vulnerability with your partner.
Through sensual practices and guided rituals, you'll peel back the layers of protection to reveal the raw beauty of your authentic selves.
Discover the power of true intimacy—a place where hearts meet, souls merge, and love blossoms in its purest form.

Enhance Pleasure: Unleash Your Sensual Symphony
Delve into the rich tapestry of pleasure and discover new ways to delight in each other's bodies and souls. From tantalizing touch to passionate embraces, you'll explore new ways that pleasure can be experienced and shared between lovers.

Improve Communication: Dance of Hearts
Uplevel your communication game and deepen your understanding of each other's hearts and minds.
Through soulful dialogue and compassionate listening, you'll learn to speak the language of love with clarity and grace, to deepen understanding and connection.

Each day of this journey of intimacy with your partner will be filled with experiential exercises, guided sessions, opportunities for reflection and growth, and relaxing time to enjoy nature and each other.
5 Day Program

Day 1 - Wednesday 18th - Grounding & Desire

Embark on a journey of exploration as you and your partner delve into your desires through sensual and playful exercises.


Day 2 - Thursday 19th - Presence & Connection

Discover the dynamic interplay of masculine and feminine energies within your relationship, celebrating the unique strengths and qualities each partner brings.


Day 3 - Friday 20th - Power & Surrender

Explore the transformative power of vulnerability as you learn to communicate authentically and openly with your partner.

Day 4 - Saturday 21st - Pleasure Alchemy

Rediscover the joy of being fully present with yourself and your partner as you explore pleasure as a gateway to deeper intimacy.

Experience the healing power of connection as you engage in intimate rituals and practices designed to nurture and support each other.


Day 5 - Sunday 22nd - Integration & Celebration

Reflect on your journey together and celebrate your growth and connection as a couple, honouring the sacred bond you share.

The Facilitators

  • Sophia Leslie

    Sacred Sexuality Coach & Therapist

    Sophia has been working professionally with Tantra since 2016 with integrity and a fearless courage for seeking the true depth of soul connection possible in these practices.

    She is passionate about the integration of spirituality and sexuality and the caring healing that many times is needed for people to feel safe and open for that exploration. In the deep dive into Classical Tantra, Neo-Tantra and other non-dual paths, she lived and learned in places like Thailand, India, Mexico, and more.

    Now, she supports people to unlock a greater level of pleasure, love, and deep intimacy that can take them into states of high consciousness and bliss.
  • Julian Marcus

    Retreat Leader, Sexologist + Bodywork Educator

    Julian brings a very rich and diverse two decades of professional trainings with a list of top teachers and mentors couples with his own extensive teaching experience integrating traditional Taoist internal sexual-alchemy practices with modern day sexology and western person centred bodywork oriented health science approaches.

    He guides people to find their 0wn path into deeper receptivity with life force as a "feel" focused, re-awakening to true intimacy. It is his highest joy to witness individuals, couples and groups find new ways to dance experientially with an expanded potential to and consciously co-create.

    Julian is now known most for his clarity in sharing, a high capacity and love for meaningful human connection, his radiant warmth of being with all-welcoming facilitation style and distinct ability to co-create a felt-sense of safety for individuals, couples and groups.

How Enrolment Works
Register your interest + video call with Julian or Sophia
Fill out our initial enrolment form and we will get in contact with you to arrange a one to one video call
Acceptance + Deposit
After we both decide the retreat is a good fit for you both at this time and made agreements about the financial and other terms we ask for a €1150 deposit to secure your places
Orientation Webinar
In the run up to the retreat in person, we will invite you to meet together online with some of the other participants on one of three alternative dates to do some exploration of your individual themes or goals for the retreat.

Our Location Details For This Retreat

Your home for the 5 days provides:

  • Beautiful Private Group Retreat Space
  • Your Own Private Apartment
  • Large Outdoor Swimming Pool
  • Easy Access to Beaches - 30 mins by car
  • Delicious Vegetarian Meals Provided
  • Panoramic Mountain Views
  • Local Hours Riding + Walks

Details & Inclusive Prices for the retreat

Full retreat fee €2300 per couple, for the 5 days, including accommodation, full retreat program, and food.

Deposit €1150 per couple to be paid on registration to reserve a couple's place.

The remaining balance should be paid by Septemeber 4th.

Extra Nights
Extend your stay at the retreat by 3 extra nights €300

Pleasure, Presence, & Intimacy retreat brings together years of personal practice and client experience to deliver a week rich in depth and beauty.

We created the program specifically to promote an opportunity for deepening intimacy and supporting coupled evolution based on Sophia’s years of experience as a Tantra therapist and coach and Julian’s 20+ years as a bodywork educator, facilitator and embodiment guide. Numerous couples and mentees have celebrated the benefits and results these practices have brung over the years. Julian is thrilled to bring this renewed program back with updates and Sophias magic. Julian ran a series of Pleasure, Presence and Intimacy (PPI) retreats in 2017 and 2018 which were much loved by the participants. Now PPI is back with updates and its own evolution to share with you.

Get ready. You are about to embark on a new phase of your relationship.

Julian is offering a strong couples focus now in erotic embodiment guidance and relational bodywork with a mix of in-person sessions in his practice, online guidance and private couples retreats and immersions. His unique blend of somatics, sexology and Taoist sexual alchemy practices help open new levels of energetic, relational and embodied potential. Connect to your life force, resource and love with vitality, curiousity and radical acceptance to transend limiting patterns and drop into the direct route to pleasure, presence and intimacy.

Experience Renewed Connection and Passion

Are you yearning for the end of feeling disconnected and stagnant in your relationship?
If you've been grappling with these emotions, you've likely felt a deep longing for that spark of intimacy and excitement that once defined your love.

These feelings often arise when communication fails, and intimacy decreases, leaving you and your partner feeling like ships passing in the night. But there is hope.

The truth is, many couples fall into the trap of neglecting their relationship, allowing misunderstandings to fester and intimacy to dwindle. As a result, the once vibrant connection begins to fade, leaving behind a sense of emptiness and longing.

But here's the secret few people realize: the path to reigniting your love and passion can be simpler than you think. Through our proven methodology, rooted in fostering deeper communication, reigniting intimacy, and rediscovering passion, we'll guide you and your partner back to the vibrant, fulfilling relationship you crave.

The Practices

Our methodology combines elements of Tantra, Tao, Somatic Bodywork, and more, to create a holistic approach to deepening connection and intimacy. Through experiential practices, you'll learn practical tools to enhance pleasure, presence, and intimacy in your relationship.




  • Improve Intimacy: Journey into Closeness
Embark on a journey of sacred intimacy as you explore new realms of closeness and vulnerability with your partner. Through sensual practices and guided rituals, you'll peel back the layers of protection to reveal the raw beauty of your authentic selves. Discover the power of true intimacy—a place where hearts meet, souls merge, and love blossoms in its purest form.

  • Enhance Pleasure: Unleash Your Sensual Symphony
Delve into the rich tapestry of pleasure and discover new ways to delight in each other's bodies and souls. From tantalising touch to passionate embraces, you'll explore new ways that pleasure can be experienced and shared between lovers.

  • Improve Communication: Dance of Hearts
Uplevel your communication game and deepen your understanding of each other's hearts and minds. Through soulful dialogue and compassionate listening, you'll learn to speak the language of love with clarity and grace, and deepen understanding and connection.

Book Your Place

Solving disconnection can be simple with intentional practices and loving presence, and that's what we're going to do, together, at this Pleasure, Presence, & Intimacy - Relationship Evolution Retreat.

It's time to embrace a future filled with
love, intimacy, and joy.